Chapter 1: The Legendary Ompah Stomp
Chapter 2: A Night at the Movies: The Soper Theatre in Smiths Fall
Chapter 3: Sophia Haggis: Candy Lady of Perth
Chapter 4: The Ghost of Ferguson Falls
Chapter 5: The Witch of Plum Hollow
Experience an unforgettable party at one of the most popular country music festivals of our time – the legendary Ompah Stomp. Next, sample some popcorn at the Soper Theatre in Smiths Falls, while you meet the folks who made sure your night at the movies went off without a hitch. Visit Perth, Ontario, where you’ll meet trailblazer, Sophia Haggis, a local confectioner, also known as ‘the candy lady’. Your next stop is Ferguson Falls, where you may encounter a ghostly apparition, searching for their lost love along the shores of the Mississippi River. Come and meet the Witch of Plum Hollow, an Irish fortune teller who helped police solve crimes. Take this captivating journey through some of the most intriguing places in Eastern Ontario.
ISBN: 9780987 702661
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